Monday, February 21, 2011

Grandma B

We were able to visit with Grandma B; she is my mother's mother.  It was nice to see each other again and to realize that Nicole's red hair is like my Great Grandmother Alice's.  She also shared some of the stories she has written with us.  She gave us one she wrote using Joseph as the main character.  Thanks Grandma!

Wanna Be A Cowboy

E. E. Bonneville

"Is it time for Grandfather to come and get me?" Joseph bugged his mother for the fourth time.

"Your grandparents will be here any minute," groaned his mother from the kitchen table.

Suddenly, Joseph heard a knock outside, jumped up from the kitchen table, flung open the door and almost ambushed his grandparents. "Hi, Grandpa. I'm ready to go to the ranch."

"Howdy son. Just hold on a minute. Are you sure you're ready to stay the weekend with us?

"Sure do, partner.  How do you like my new cowboy boots?  And I have a new cowboy hat.  A birthday present from Mom and Dad.  Do I look eight years old now?"

His startled Grandfather said, "Look at that. We've found us another ranch hand.  Tell your mother we're ready to load up and move out."

"Joseph, today we'll drive your favorite short cut, over the hilly road," his grandmother explained, "We'll go through our friend's cattle ranch with the big medal gate."

When they arrived at the gate, Joseph immediately hopped out of the pickup.  "Grandfather, I'll help open the gate."

"Joseph! Quick! Get back in the pickup," his grandmother yelled.  " A mountain lion is on the hillside above you!"  Suddenly the lion sprang across the road in front of Joseph near the pickup.  Then it disappeared down the hillside.  Grandfather Mike quickly went to Joseph, put his arm around him and proudly said, "That was might brave of you to stand there.  You alright, son?"

"Gee! That was close," Joseph whispered, wide eyed.  "I was too scared to move.  "Boy! Oh boy!  Are lions near the ranch, too?"  Joseph inquired, still shaking inside.

"Not to worry, Joseph," his grandfather calmy explained, "we live in the valley.  Those big mountain lions, also known as Cougars, live in the mountains.  It was proably chasing a small animal down the hill."

Upon arrival at the ranch, Grandfather Mike remarked, "Joseph, I need help to round up some stray calves.  Get your canteen, fill it with water and tie it onto Flash's saddle."

"Flash! You mean I can ride Flash this year and not old Nelly?  I can help with the roundup?

"First, get cowboy Wyatt to help you saddle up.  Then take a few turns around the arena to get the feel of a bigger horse."

After they saddled Flash, Joseph urged the horse to go into the arena.  But Flash decided he wanted to stay in the barn.  Then a tug of war began, Joseph pulling one way and the big horse pulling another.  "Flash, I can't let Grandfather see you win."  Suddenly, Flash stopped pulling and Joseph excitedly rode him around the arena.

"Good work," complemented his grandfather.  "Let's hit the trail and round up some stray calves"  They followed a faint trail through the hillside brush and soon came upon their small herd of cattle.  In the distance, bawling of young calves could be heard.

"Joseph," his grandfather instructed, "ride toward the calves standing near those big rocks.  We have to surround them and get the calves back to their mamas.  I'll be behind you."

Approach the calves, Joseph's horse stopped.  Suddenly a shot rang out, "Joseph! Come back," Grandfather Mike shouted.  "I saw a mountain lion on the rocks.  My shot scared him away."

Joseph asked in a shaky voice, after returning his grandfather.  "What about the calves?"

"The lion won't be coming back.  We'll roun dup the calves with the rest of the herd and head back to the ranch."

"Before we go, Grandfather," Joseph said. " I need to stop a minute at that tree over there.  Please hold Flash for me."

On Joseph's way back, Grandfather Mike yelled, "Joseph! Stop!" Instantly another shot rang out.  "It's OK now Joseph.  I got that big rattlesnake moving out of the bushes."

Joseph took a hasty look at the dead snake and warily climbed back on Flash. "I'm glad you're such a good shot.  Grandfather, how long before we get back to the ranch?"

Back at the ranch, Joseph was slow unsaddling his horse.  His thoughts were on his close calls with a wild cougar and a deadly snake.  What if Grandfather hadn't been so alert?  What could have happened to me?  Do cowboys ever get scared?

After they put their horses in the corral, Joseph weakly suggested his grandfather, "Let's sit on the porch a minute."

"Good idea," Grandfather Mike could see that Joseph was unusually quiet.  "Cowboy, do you want to go with me tomorrow and mend some fences?  You're doing real good with Flash and he needs more exercise."

Joseph perked up on the thought of riding Flash again and Grandfather called me "Coyboy." I can't let him know how scared I was.  "Sure Grandfather," Joseph eagerly answered.  "Flash and I'll be ready anytime."

Grandfather Mike smiled, "Thanks cowboy, you're hired."



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